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Breaking the Limits, Building a Stronger Future: Together

Bone-A-Fide Supporter of Osteogenesis Imperfecta Research

Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by OI, by supporting cutting-edge research and raising funds to accelerate the development of new treatments and cures.

We strive to raise awareness and increase understanding of the challenges faced by those living with OI, and to build a community of support around them. Through our efforts, we aim to empower patients and their families, and to provide hope for a brighter future.

Any amount, large or small, will make an impact and help us achieve our mission of finding a cure for OI.

Whether you have a few hours or a few days to spare, we have opportunities to fit your schedule and interests. 

We are committed to raising funds for OI research and giving children with OI the hope and resources they need to lead full and active lives.


Now a certified organization for the President's Volunteer Service Award!

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